Sunday, July 3, 2011

Norther California Tour June 2011 with Heather Brown and High Tide Surf Art

Hope everyone is having a great weekend! Happy 4th!
We just returned about a week ago from a 2 week Northern California tour to visit some of my great accounts and galleries up in the areas and do some signings and small shows. The trip was fantastic and we travelled through about 3 seasons in 14 days! Here are some pictures of some of the off times of the trip. If you have not been, I really suggest going to Northern CA, Tahoe, Yosemite, San Francisco, Sausalito, Santa CRuz, Carmel, and many more stops we hit were all so beautiful and the people are all so warm hearted, friendly and helpful. I hope to go back soon for some bigger shows!

Chris and I on the log ride at the Santa Cruz Boardwalk!

Heather Brown at Yosemite Falls

We rented an RV since our schedule was all over the place and a bit hectic. Here we are on the 108 pass (1st day it was opened for the season)

Heather Brown gaining inspiration on the shores of Lake Tahoe

Lake Tahoe

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